Kirin Accounting Office Y.K. and Okumura Certified Public Accountants (hereinafter referred to as "our firm") recognize the importance of personal information obtained from stakeholders and regard its protection as a fundamental aspect of our business activities, as well as one of our highest management priorities.
In order to provide our clients with safe, secure, and trustworthy services, we have established the following basic policy, which is communicated to all employees and strictly adhered to.
1 Basic Policy
- Our firm complies with the Personal Information Protection Act and related laws and regulations. We have established internal policies regarding personal information protection (hereinafter referred to as "our firm’s policies"), which are implemented, maintained, and continuously improved.
- Our firm has established a management system for personal information protection and ensures that our firm’s policies are communicated to all executives and employees, with a focus on strict adherence.
- Our firm handles personal information only within the scope of the purposes clearly stated to our clients. Furthermore, we do not disclose or provide personal information to third parties, except when we have the client’s consent or there is a legitimate reason.
- Our firm ensures that personal information is kept accurate and up-to-date, and we take measures to prevent unauthorized access to personal information, as well as its leakage, loss, or damage. We continuously work to improve information security and correct any deficiencies.
- Our firm will respond to inquiries or requests for disclosure of personal information from our clients promptly and in good faith.
2 Purpose of Use of Personal Information
When our firm collects personal information from clients, we will clearly state the purpose of use in advance and use the information only within the scope of that purpose. If it becomes necessary to use the personal information beyond the stated purpose, we will notify the client and obtain their consent before proceeding with the use. The purposes for which our firm uses the personal information we hold are as follows:
- Personal Information Relating to Clients
- Business negotiations and meetings with clients
- Shipment of products, materials, etc.
- Sending of service and event information
- Providing customer support and maintenance
- Responding to inquiries and consultations
- Providing membership services
- Service development, conducting surveys, and performing monitoring activities
- Fulfillment of contracts
- Personal Information Relating to Job Applicants
- Providing and communicating recruitment information to job applicants
- Managing recruitment operations within our firm
3 Proper Acquisition of Personal Information
Our firm acquires personal information through lawful and fair means.
4 Provision of Personal Information
- Our firm will not disclose or provide personal information to third parties, except in the following cases:
- When the client’s consent is obtained
- When required by law
- When it is necessary to protect a person’s life, body, or property, and obtaining the client’s consent is difficult
- When it is necessary to outsource the handling of personal information to achieve the stated purpose
- When business succession occurs due to a business transfer or other reasons
- Regardless of the above (1), our firm may provide the client’s address, name, phone number, etc. to affiliated companies or agents if it is deemed appropriate for the provision of services or response to inquiries. In such cases, the client may request the cessation of the provision of their personal information to these affiliated companies or agents.
5 Inquiries Regarding Personal Information
For inquiries regarding the disclosure, correction, or deletion of your personal information, please contact us through the inquiry form.
6 Other Matters
- 1. Access Information
- To provide better services, we may collect access log information on this site. Please be aware of this in advance. The collection of access logs is not intended to identify your personal information.
- 2. About Cookies
- To enhance your experience, this site uses cookies on some pages. Please note that cookies and IP address information cannot identify an individual on their own and are not considered personal information. Additionally, you can refuse the use of cookies by adjusting your browser settings.